Tuesday, January 9, 2007


I don't think that people really talk anymore. I am amazed at how little people listen as well. It can be very frustrating in this world of high speed to feel that you have a voice or that you are really being heard. I find myself a great deal lately asking my kids, after I have said something to them, ok....what did you just hear me say? and finding that there is a great deal of broken telephone going on.
This is especially so when the people you love are at a distance. We moved out of the confines of big city living to raise our children in a quieter place. Unfortunatly it means that we can be more than half of Canada away from the people who live most firmly in our heart. The telephone conversations are strained and I envy those who live close to family. It would be great to just drop in for a cup of tea and a chat.
I need to be more creative and that is what this silly rant is about today. I miss them terribly and we all made choices and we are all frustrated as to the choice we chose not...isn't that poetic.
Got any suggestions? The kids above are all cousins and live within 1500 miles. This summer they got together for the first time in 12 years. Got any suggestions ?