Wednesday, September 26, 2007

ANGST !!!!!!

Is anyother soul out there as tired and bored of house and home as I seem to be. It seems to have lost its purpose. It also seems to have lost momentum and help. I though I had it together and even had hired on some help but she quit. She would not wear gloves or use any of the green products we use and then would complain that the chemicals were buring her hands and her skin was peeling. DUUUUH!?!?
So it is back on me and frnkly I am not feeling creative or loving about it.... rather resentful. The days have become too quiet and the orders for art have kept coming and I am so very tired.
The seasons are changing and I truly want to fly away with the geese and I truly long for some kindred souls. I find myself reading a lot of entries. I have not figured out how to link yet... but I will. I made a sparrow today. He still needs his beak. I will take a phto tomorrow..
Yes I know that I am whining like an overtired child. Menopause and Fibro steal sleep. I must get out tomorrow.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Bride's Magazines !!!!!

My dog Mop ( a toy terripoo )( 7 lbs) has delared that he needs lap time !
Well it is not 24 hours yet and we think we have the wedding all thought out. The venue, rentals, food and music and the guest list made up. They are so very happy. Only one attendant each and a year away. I am tired and need to be in the studio for the next 4 days. Life catches up and we will need to finace a good chunk of this.
The bride's mother ....Janet

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Too Soon !

My mother had a very specific script for all of us. We were all to get post secondary education, learn to play a musical instrument , attend church and never sit with our hands empty. And although all of these have served me well, I did not parent on my own and I have not been the same kind of parent that she was and still is. She had me in tears again today because of my weight. I love here very much but she is a very critical parent and that has put distance in her relationships with her adult children because we have all chosen to include our spouses and our children and there have been no thou shalt not.

But this evening my beautiful ownly daughter came home with a ring on her finger. She has our blessing and he is a lovely young man.... but she is 18 and he is 32. Even as I type this I squirm a bit. It is just that they are so in love and so very well suited and she is older for her age and he is younger.

I want to write it down my sacred vow that I will assist her in creating the day that she wants. I had my day and I am hoping that she will look back on hers and know that it was Jays and her special day. I love them both and frankly they have been is hard to work around love birds. We are gaining a family member and another future to be part of .....So here is to next summer! May the time drag its heels.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Holy Cow

It has been too long since I was here before. I lost my way and my path and am now just starting to get it all back again. I have been lurking though. There are so many amazing women and extrodinary ideas. When I feel "thin of spirit" I just find someone like Art Tea Life and start watching her watches and moving through the gardens of connections that have been made.
Now It is time to start my own garden planted with friends. I have decided that another year at home is needed. The fibro has hit and hit hard. I worry about what will happen if I ever find myself alone. My DH does so much. And so I will stay in my studio and continue making dolls and fish, birds and bugs. I will also finally start manging my Etsy store.
This is all a long list but....I am at a very unique space. For once nobody really needs me. Itis a blessing, My parents still have their health and my children are trying their wings.
So I am going to make some door knob hangers for the outside doors, letting my drop in friends that the kettle goes on for tea at 4, but that I am on the studio. My "gym" Cruves is just a few blocks away and so is downtown. It is time to take care of myself and respect this half century body.
I need to laugh more as well. So here I is ?