Saturday, November 17, 2007

Another Month and an Affirmation

I still have to figure out how to not use this as a diary and better as a conversation. I enjoy reading many blogs of others daily, but I have yet to figure out how to join in the circle. I have yet to be discovered. I feel like a shy one on a chair in the corner, on the dark at a school dance waiting for someone , anyone to notice. I am so computer illiterate that I am embarrassed.

I have received a great gift. I have been given a generous grant of funds by the province to spend the next year creating my gallery of dolls that represent the unique gifts that northern Ontario has. The small treasures that most might miss or might not consider until....
The greatest part of this is that I have started to feel very different and very purposeful as to who I am. If you asked me a week ago I would have admitted to being artistic. I am now to proclaim that I am an Artist. I want to celebrate. I want a tattoo or a Nome tag or a sign on my house. Strangers have recognized my work as Art.

This has also opened up many other channels. With my Maker, my family, the rest of my time here and how much time I might have and a heady sense of Freedom !

I have also at the same time finished a hellish month of withdrawal from one Fibro drug ( gabapentin) and the introduction and now up to dose with a new one called Lyrica. IT WORKS ! I had heard that the results showed a favourable trial and with crossed fingered I hoped for myself. It does work and life has a lot of possibilities that I had decided were gone.
Firbri has robbed me of the last ten years of self actualization and now I feel like there is real hope and my family has noticed a great deal. I am so full of gratitude that I could bust.
The photos included are of the first doll for the grant Amethyst.

Now to connect with all of you.

1 comment:

One Crabapple said...

Your (he)Artwork is Wonderful.

Love, S.